So the day is over. Mikel is sleeping, comfortably I hope. Today we turned off the Aircon. It was open for a few days now cause of Mikel's fever. But I think he's better na, plus we're gonna hear mass tomorrow so he'd better get used to normal temperature.
We were stuck inside our room for quite some time. It's time we made pasyal even if church lang.
Awhile ago Mikel kept on crying when we were inside our room but as soon as we step out of the door, he calms down na. And cries again once I (carrying him) set foot inside the room!
So don't worry my little baby, we'll get to leave the house tomorrow :)
the girl and the boy.
Once there was this girl. She was excited for an adventure of a lifetime.
She had dreams of seeing the world. She had dreams of experiencing all
things new...
9 years ago
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